"The endings of life give life's meanings a chance to show."
- Stephen Jenkinson, The Meaning of Death
Sharing Wisdom
Sharing experiences and the wisdom gained from my life and service is a joy. I look forward to meeting you online or in person. Peace of heart, Rev. Carré
Spirituality: An Essential Understanding for Psychedelic Integration at End of Life
3-Session Online and Interactive Course through EOLPC (End of Life Psychedelic Care)
Participants will learn how to prepare themselves and their clients to face powerful conscious and unconscious influences they can encounter in the expanded transpersonal states in end-of-life processes and in psychedelic-assisted journeys. She will share ways practitioners can support their clients in assimilating deeply challenging experiences and insights that defy core beliefs and ontological reality, so that Spiritual Distress is alleviated and Spiritual Growth is enhanced through nurtured awareness and upgraded meaning-making that is Spiritual Care.
Although the course is best experienced live, all sessions will be recorded and sent within 24 hours. Upon successful completion of the course, a Certificate of Completion will be issued.
Radio & Podcasts
Rev. Lynda Elaine Carré Discusses Death and Dying
Exploring the Seasons of Life with Cynthia McMillan
"A podcast for women with a big heart on a spiritual journey."
Planet Senior Radio Show with Host, Rita Vanacore
Rev. Lynda Carré_Giving Directives to Loved Ones About Death
Go to timing 35.15
Healthy Ulster Radio_
Rev. Carré and Barbara Sarah
How Circle of Friends for the Dying has made Ulster County a leader in death preparedness for New York State
(waiting for link from station)
Archives: Past Events, Workshops, Retreats
Soul Care Speaker Series
"Spiritual Care:
What It Is and How It Heals"
Date: Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Time: Eastern Time 3:00-4:30p; Pacific Time noon-1:30p
Where: Zoom
Cost: Free! But, Advance Registration is Required for Admittance
Download PDF of flyer Here WISDOM ARTS WHW FLYER 4Print
April 2022 Workshop at WolfHorse Wellness*(*renamed LightHorse Wellness in June 2022)
Silver City, New Mexico
Wisdom Arts for Living & Dying Well
This will be an Inspiring, Purposeful, Practical 3-Hour Workshop.
For Adults, Family & Professional Caregivers, Healers, Doulas. Hospice Professionals and Volunteers
When: Saturday, 1:00-4:00p, April 9, 2022
Where: WolfHorse Wellness
1818 N. Silver Street, Silver City, NM 88061
Cost: By Donation
(Suggested $108; 10% goes to WHW Mission)
Limited to First 10 People who Register
“This 3-hour Wisdom Arts workshop is truly unique. I am offering it only once in New Mexico exclusively at WolfHorse Wellness in Silver City. It is especially for people who are living with the consequences of aging, challenging health conditions or the professionals or family/friend caregivers of those who are. Please join me as part of this small group. Safely and creatively explore your readiness and learn tools to better prepare and guide others.” Rev. Carré
Limited to the first ten people who register, in this workshop participants will learn empowering ways to live well and engage consciously, without suffering into this most inevitable experience in life–the dying process. Participants will learn Spiritual Care and Healing Arts wisdom and specific practices that comfort the mind, enrich living, ease the actual dying process, and open to the sacred heart.
♥ How to live well with awareness of multivalent physical, emotional, spiritual interconnection
♥ To move through anxiety/fear into love
♥ To navigate expanded consciousness
♥ To safely sample the stages of dying
♥ To ease symptoms via the healing arts of spiritual care, breathwork, yogic techniques, sound, subtle energy release, aromatherapy and more.
ADVANCE REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. LIMITED TO 10. For everyone's safety and peace of mind, advance proof of vaccination and screening are required
Wisdom Arts for Dying with Rev. Lynda Elaine Carré
email: info@wolfhorsewellness.com
phone: 310 699-2001 WolfHorse Wellness
Suggested donation $108–includes workshop and creative materials
Calling Our Ancestors
Sunday, October 25th, 2:00-4:00p // Presentations & Ritual, Music, Sing-A-Long and more . . .
An Absolutely Free Community Event; Be-Masked, Safe-Distanced. All Ages. Everyone Welcome.
Wear Photocopy Images of Your Ancestors for our Calling Our Ancestors Circle–Creative, Playful, Soulful.
Please safely gather at Academy Green Park in Kingston, NY, to collectively call in the wisdom and love from our ancestors. Together we will raise awareness of life & death appreciation, literacy, and preparedness in our community.
This is a free offering for the community from Circle of Friends for the Dying produced by Jo Scari, Barbara Sarah, Lynda Carré, and Ann Hunt with collaboration and participation from Radio Kingston, Violet Snow, Rita Vanacore, Vanaver Caravan Dancers, Julia Haines, Center for Creative Education (CCE) Percussion Orchestra of Kingston (POOK), Catskill Art Supply and many more . . .
[Rain Date: Nov 1] [Visit Circle of Friends for the Dying: www.cfdhv.org]
A Workshop:
Your Five Wishes Advance Directive
Attendance is limited to 20.
All proceeds to benefit the death literacy work of our community
non-profit, Circle of Friends for the Dying. cfdhv.org
Saturday, September 19th, 9:30-11:30a
ZOOM Online Video Conference,
$21.08 ($21.71 if paid online)
All Proceeds to benefit Circle of Friends for the Dying
I realize that this workshop falls within the High Holy Days of Rosh Hoshana, the Jewish New Year. For those who honor this, it is my hope that the experience of going through your Five Wishes will contribute to your personal reflection and prompt important family discussions.
Please join me for this empowering two-hour ZOOM workshop.
Using the Five Wishes, I will guide you through discernment toward completion of your Advance Directive (aka Living Will) --- unquestionably one of the most important documents needed to personalize and protect your choices for the end-of-life care you want.
Five Wishes is a unique Advance Directive written in everyday language to help you consider the pros and cons of options. It will enable you to describe what good care means to YOU. Going beyond the scope of other Advanced Directives, Five Wishes helps you consider, and document, your preferences for personal and spiritual care in addition to the medical and legal. Suitable for everyone over 18, whether in good health or ill.
Five Wishes lets your family and doctors know:
- Who you want to make health care decisions for you
when you can’t make them for yourself.
- The kind of medical treatment you want or don’t want.
- How comfortable you want to be.
- How you want people to treat you.
- What you want your loved ones to know.
Completing Five Wishes will be a relief to you. And, it is a gift to your family, friends, and your doctor, because it protects them from being in the impossible position of having to guess what kind of treatment you may want or don’t want. “Doing everything” medically possible has trade-offs you need to educate yourself about in advance.
In addition, after going through your Five Wishes document, you will naturally be more comfortable starting and guiding important conversations with your family members and close friends, to better understand what their concerns and wishes may be.
Even if you already have an Advance Directive on file, it is important to revisit it annually, when there is a pandemic, or you are experiencing changes in your health condition.
ZOOM Video Conference / Link Provided After Registration
$21.08; ($21.71 if you register and pay online)
This is a community service I am donating.
All proceeds from participants will go directly to benefit Circle of Friends for the Dying
Either be prepared to take notes, or in advance of workshop purchase a printed or downloadable Five Wishes booklet from Five Wishes.org https://fivewishes.org/shop/order.
CFD is arranging to have copies of the packet for participants who wish to pick up the copy. If you need help, and would like the option of picking up a copy at our planned holding location, please send them an email to coordinate or call 845.802.0970. You must register by Saturday, September 12th to be eligible for pickup at the paperwork holding location in Kingston.
Circle of Friends for the Dying
JoAnna Scari
To be rescheduled: Cancelled Per COVID-19 Precautions
Wednesday, April 29, 2020; 1:00-2:30p
Lifespring Saugerties: Adult Learning Community
Course: Perspectives on End of Life, April 22 - May 27 /
This Class: April 29
Wisdom Arts for Dying with Rev. Lynda Elaine Carré
Understanding the process of dying and the spiritual, emotional, existential and physical changes that naturally occur is empowering and essential to planning one's death.
Like birth, dying is a process. This class will focus specifically on spiritual, emotional, existential and physical transformation that can naturally occur in the dying process––from months to hours and minutes. Rev. Carré will introduce ways of easing the labor of dying through education and advanced planning, establishing appropriate support, and the skillful, compassionate implementation of ancient-to-modern medical and non-medical techniques and tools. Class participants will be empowered to creatively prepare their own personal readiness to die well, according to their own beliefs and values. Suitable for adults of all faith traditions and spiritual persuasions.
Woodstock Jewish Community Center
Lifespring Saugerties
Al Konigsberg
Saturday, April 13, 2pm, 2019
Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art (SDMA)
SUNY New Paltz
Conversations On Death and Dying:
A community educational offering in the context of artist Linda Mary Montano's multi-media installation, The Art/Life Hospital
Conversations On Death and Dying with Rev. Lynda Elaine Carré, Interfaith Palliative Chaplain, End-of-Life Mentor, and Death Educator; Patrick Halvey, President of the Riverview Funeral Home by Halvey; and Linda Mary Montano, exhibiting artist of The Art/Life Hospital.
Lynda Carré will share stories from the deaths she has witnessed, Patrick Halvey will speak about what happens when we die and are buried by our funeral homes, and Linda Mary Montano will discuss how works in The Art/Life Hospital connect to her relationship with death. Q&A to follow.
Monday, May 13, 2-3:30pm, 2019
CENTER FOR HEALTHY AGING: Spring Wellness Series
Northern Dutchess Hospital
Wisdom Arts for Living and Dying
with Rev. Lynda Elaine Carré
Learn inspiring and practical ways to cultivate spiritual, emotional and physical health for living well through aging, illness and dying with Rev. Lynda Elaine Carré, an interfaith chaplain, yoga therapist, end-of-life mentor, home funeral guide and founder of Wellspring Passages.
This event will be held at the cafeteria conference room at Northern Dutchess Hospital (6511 Springbrook Ave. (Route 9), Rhinebeck).
There is no cost to attend, but seats are limited.
To register, visit www.healthquest.org/wellness or call (845) 876-4745 (TTY/Accessibility: 800.421.1220).
Download Brochure Here WisdomArtsForDying Brochure Blessed 0818
March 19-22, 2019
The Guesthouse at Holy Cross Monastery
1615 US-9W, West Park, NY 12493
Wisdom Arts for Dying with Rev. Lynda Elaine Carré
I have created this very unique experiential intensive to share empowering ways we can engage with this most inevitable experience in life–the dying process. This intensive is focused on the actual dying process. Like birth on the flip-side of the life portal, dying also has specific stages, signals, and characteristics. Knowing these can reduce anxiety, inform our choices, and prepare us to receive final gifts that are available at no other time of life. Participants will learn Spiritual Care and Healing Arts wisdom and specific practices that comfort the mind, ease the actual dying process, and open to the sacred heart.
Φ Move from fear and anxiety to understanding and hope
Φ Learn what different faith traditions, research findings
about near-death experiences, and non-ordinary states
of consciousness teach us about the dying process
Φ Identify your own beliefs about dying that strengthen
or weaken you
Φ Ease the labor of dying with breathwork, meditation,
movement, sound, mantra, light, touch, aromatherapy,
subtle energy release, prayer, and more
Φ Give voice to your process and integration through
journaling, a bio-obituary, and expressive arts
While there are increasing numbers of great courses and training programs for "being with" dying and death, WISDOM ARTS FOR DYING is a three-day residential workshop retreat that focuses specifically on the dying process. In my experience with hundreds of people, they feel significant anxiety because they are unfamiliar with the stages of actually dying––what one might expect, what are signs for different stages, how to manage going through them, how to maintain equanimity through the process. In this retreat, participants will safely and creatively prepare for their own personal readiness to die well––consciously/holistically/intentionally/your way/creatively/gratefully––as each individual defines it.
Suitable for adults of all faith traditions and spiritual persuasions.
Wisdom Arts for Dying with Rev. Lynda Elaine Carré
email: guesthouse@hcmnet.org
phone: 845-384-6660, ext 1
$405–includes workshop, accommodations, meals, creative materials
Past Workshop Series

“Prepare to Die”
A Reflective and Practical 3-Workshop Series
This workshop series will result in greater personal integration and coping, understanding of resources and potential options, and documentation of unique preferences for dying and death according to personal beliefs, values, and goals for quality of life. There will be short pre-meeting and post-meeting homework assignments.
Break through the taboo about talking of dying and death. Share stories. Ask questions. Gain deeper understanding. Learn skills and approaches for compassionate, competent, creative end-of-life care preparedness.
TBD Gathering interest now to beginning March, 2019, Two Date/Time Options for 3-part Series:
- Three Wednesday evenings, 7:00-9:00pm or
- Three Thursday mornings, 10:00-12:00pm
Each Class is Limited to 8 Adult Participants;
Minimum of 4 Participants is Required
Private Home (details will provided upon registration)
Near Opus 40, Saugerties, New York
Free Parking
$120/Person for Series via PayPal, Cash, or Check
Materials included.
Questions? Please contact me
Prepare to Die Workshop Series / Course Outline
- Workshop #1_Prepare to Die: Wisely
- Wealth of Options
- Values and Discernment
- Documenting Preferences
- Choosing your Advocate
- Workshop #2_Prepare to Die: Creatively
- Dancing with Death
- Breathwork
- Dance
- Meditation
- Arts Expression
- Journaling
- Auto-Memorial
- Dancing with Death
- Workshop #3_Prepare to Die: Gratefully
- Ethical Wills
- Auto-Obituary
- Legacy Art
Upcoming Film & Discussion Series

First Tuesday Film & Discussion Group in Private Home near Opus 40, Saugerties, New York
This will be a curated series drawn from extraordinary films (Dramatic, and Documentary) and program series about aging, illness, and death––in the United States and around the world. Viewing together as small group, followed by discussion, can raise our awareness, challenge biases and beliefs, assist in personal discernment and preparedness, and stimulate activism.
Beginning February, 2019: First Tuesday of Each Month 6:15-8:30pm
Gathering is Limited to 8 Adult Participants. Sometimes the same people, sometimes different. Open to first 8 who commit by Thursday the week ahead.
Private Home (details will provided upon registration)
Woodstock (near center of Village), New York
Free Parking
No Cost; Donations for refreshments appreciated.
Questions? Please contact me
Past Events

I am honored to be a former working Board Member of Circle of Friends for the Dying (CFD), the Director of the CFD Community Engagement Team, and active member of the Education & Awareness Committee, the PR & Marketing Committee, and Capital Campaign Communications Committee. I currently serve on the advisory council.
Circle of Friends for the Dying (CFD) is a 501c3 non-profit whose mission is to bring compassionate, competent end-of-life care to the dying and their families by providing a home with a circle of support. This is our fourth year of providing education and awareness through monthly CFD Death Cafes in neighborhood locations.
Need more help or information? Circle of Friends for the Dying website at CFD.org 845-802-0970 info@cfdhv.org
Presentation #1
“Talking About Dying with the Dying,” Presentation with Q&A
Circle of Friends for the Dying (CFD) Death Café
There will be Live Music, Refreshments, Presentation with Q&A, and small-group CFD Death Café Conversations
Break through the taboo about talking of dying and death. Share stories. Gain deeper understanding. Learn skills and approaches for compassionate, competent, creative end-of-life care preparedness.
Presentation #2
“Intro to Wisdom Arts for Dying,” Presentation with Q&A
Circle of Friends for the Dying (CFD) Death Café
There will be Refreshments, Presentation with Q&A, and small-group CFD Death Café Conversations
Learn what to expect in the natural dying process and how to better prepare to die well, as you define it.
Speaking Engagements, Podcasts, Workshops, Retreats
Please contact me to speak or facilitate a workshop in your neighborhood, workplace, or organization. I will make sure it is engaging and personally relevant to your gathering.
Suggested topics include:
- "Spiritual Care: What it Is and How it Heals"
- "Spirituality, Psychedelics, and End of Life"
- “Wisdom Arts for Dying”
- Essential Training to Care for Your Loved Ones at End of Life
- Spirituality (Transpersonal) and/or Religion
- "Five Wishes Advance Directives Workshops"
- “How Different Religions View Dying and Death”
- “End of Life Perspectives: Spiritual, Emotional, Existential Issues”
- “Spiritual Care for Pain Management in Palliative and Hospice Services”
- “Talking About Dying with the Dying”
- “Spiritual Pain Indicators and Interventions”
- “Prepare to Die”
- “Illness is a Family Affair”
- "Relationship-Based Spiritual Care Assessment and Support”
- “Cultivating Spiritual Wellbeing”
- “Establishing Your Circle of Care Team”
Mentoring: Psychedelic Integration Facilitators, Death Doulas, Home Funeral Guides, Life Coaches
Contact me for individual mentoring or small group training for psychedelic integration, sacred deathcare, home funeral guidance, and related services. See Contact/Booking on this site.