"...see new dimensions in the universe,
have strong feelings of being an integral part of creation,
and tend to regard ordinary things in life
...as sacred."
- Stanislav Grof
Psychedelic Integration
Integration is not about taking pithy lessons from a trip into our day to day lives. It is a homecoming feast for exiled parts of ourselves, where an intense and powerful unifying experience is broken down and assimilated, nourishment is distributed, and vital energy is absorbed into the psychic system. Integration is an organic, enzymatic process, as well as a celebration. —Daniel Shane
Psychedelic Integration
Integration is a core component of maintaining lasting benefits from a psychedelic experience. The profound psychic shifts and insights that plant medicines provide can slip behind the mundane regularity of life as easily as a dream slips from memory upon waking. Without integration, the majority of life's negative habits can remain unchanged. With the support of a well-trained and experienced psychedelic guide, skillful integration of expanded consciousness experience gained through ingesting an entheogen “God within” (aka psychedelic “mind expanding”) can provide a profound direct experience of knowing one’s interconnectedness, gaining clarity, and deepening Self-awareness. This creates unique opportunities to continue to spiritually and emotionally heal, change, and grow as with no other modality or tool.
Why Work with Me?
Learn about who I am, why I do this, and how to engage. FAQs
Or, book a brief zoom consultation to meet. Let's connect
Two Primary Ways of Working with Me
- Psychedelic Integration Therapy Sessions
- Transpersonal Package 1:1 Inner Journey

Psychedelic Integration Consulting Therapy Sessions
I provide therapeutic psychedelic integration care, consulting and coaching for those who have experienced psychedelic-assisted expanded consciousness journeys elsewhere, or who are considering doing so. Psychedelics are legal and readily available in other countries and states, including Peru, Mexico, Costa Rica, Jamaica, the Netherlands, and many more.
Many times what occurs is insufficient time for ongoing integration of the experience(s) or perhaps it was not in one’s native language. Some journeyers return home feeling “rearranged” internally, relationally, and culturally. Some struggle to make sense of what they “know is important” but can’t quite bring it into their active life.
Other journeyers are simply eager, maybe even hungry, for ongoing sessions focused on integration and ever unfolding realizations—unpacking multifaceted messages, insights, and embodied knowing into their active daily life in new healthy ways as they continue to grow spiritually and heal.
I approach the work through the therapeutic framework model called Accept, Connect, Embody (ACE) evolved from the research by Dr. Rosalind Watts, Clinical Psychologist, Psychedelic Research Group at Imperial College London. Using techniques relevant to each unique client and to their process, I support clients through a harm-reduction, trauma-informed lens with a focus on integration through spiritual growth and emotional embodiment that reconnects a person to their self, others, and to all. This inner healing strengthens resilience, increases insight, and empowers motivation for positive changes to one's daily life.
See Rates for Individual Therapy Sessions Here
See FAQs
Transpersonal 1:1 Inner Journey Package
Assessment, Prep, Sitting Service, Integration, Support
This package is a comprehensive five week transpersonal inner work journey program. It includes the following:
- Weeks 1 & 2 Preparation Sessions: One 1-Hour Preparation Session Each Week
- Week 3 Inner Journey: Sitting Service for One Journey 6-8 Hours
- Weeks 4 & 5 Integration Sessions: One 1-Hour Integration Session Each Week
- Text/Email Support Included (Responses within 24 Hours)
- Preparation and Integration Guides (PDF)
See FAQs* Psychedelic substances are not provided.
* Flexible schedule is available.
* More preparation and/or integration sessions are available at additional cost of $130 per 50-minute session.
Pricing for Transpersonal 1:1 Inner Journey Package
I am committed to making psychedelic therapy available to as many people as possible. Higher priced tiers directly offset the financial hurdles for lower tier categories and specialized programs, so that everyone has access to psychedelic healing. Financial assistance is also available to qualifying individuals. To encourage diversity, equity, and access I offer discounts if absolutely needed for people who identify as BPoC and/or LGBTQIA2S+.

Travel Costs
In some instances, there may be additional costs to travel to your location. Cost is based on timing and location. Travel costs will be mutually agreed upon prior to commencing services.
Energetic Exchange
There is immense power in committing to this process. Psychedelic healing requires a three-way commitment: 1. you must honor the sacred power of the plant medicine and respect her power, 2. be committed to fully showing up for the process, 3. I match that commitment with my time, energy, support, and care. This is what creates a conducive space for you to have an open and meaningful communion with the plant medicine.
Additional Trip Sitting Services
Groups & Couples Packages Available
I arrange and facilitate ceremonies for small groups of people and/or couples—with a ratio of up to 1 facilitator for every 3 participants. You get to choose who you journey with. All members must share similar intentions and be comfortableI being in a vulnerable state with all chosen participants. Each participant will have to undergo our standard intake and screening process. Preparation, sitting and post-experience integration is included.
Multiple Facilitators (Male x Female or Non-Binary)
Some clients feel more comfortable with two trip sitters present (one male and one female), which is consistent with the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) clinical studies protocol. From a shamanic perspective, this is not necessary, but the option is available. My main priority is that you are in a comfortable environment.
Ongoing Support Services
Coaching Sessions (Preparation or Integration)
My offerings include multiple preparation (pre-experience) and integration (post-experience) coaching sessions. However, I am available for additional one-off sessions for anyone who is interested. These sessions can be specific to psychedelics, spirituality, general life coaching—or a combination.
Nothing contained on this website is intended to encourage the use of illegal substances. Given that psychedelics continue to be used illegally by people around the world, the educational information on this website encourages safe, sacred and effective journeys with psychedelics, if these powerful tools are to be used at all.
**Rev Lynda Elaine Carre (Wellspring Passages) does not provide psychoactive or controlled substances nor are we licensed therapists, counselors, or medical professionals. She has a harm reduction ethos for offering trip sitting & integration coaching services.**
Essential FAQ's
Essential FAQ’s will answer many common questions you may have. Please review them thoroughly. If working with me seems a good fit for you, then contact me by email or book a brief consultation for your particular interest in the Psychedelic Integration Therapy, the five-week 1:1 Inner Work Package, or something else. Connect
Exploration leads to personal growth and self-discovery
“Exploring one's limiting beliefs is essential for personal growth and self-discovery. These beliefs can hinder our potential, but through introspection, self-reflection, and transformational medicines like psychedelics, we can reveal their root causes. By addressing our limiting beliefs, we create space for positive change and conscious choices, fostering deeper connections with ourselves, others, and the natural world."
Familiarity with non-ordinary states of consciousness can diminish anxiety and depression for those living with advanced disease.
In my service with hundreds of people as a clinical palliative and hospice chaplain and deathcare doula, I have witnessed that those who have any experience of non-ordinary states of consciousness, aka expanded consciousness, face life-limiting diagnoses with greater ease and equanimity. They are less anxious, less depressed, less fearful, more confident, and much more curious about their very direct and visceral experience of the mystery of life unfolding for them.
They may have experienced this state of being through meditation, breathwork, deep prayer, ecstatic dance, amazing rock concerts, psychedelics, or other entheogens at some time in their life.
At this time, numerous clinical research studies show the benefits of psychedelics. When the experience is undertaken intentionally with a carefully arranged set and setting and fully integrated, people can find relief from symptoms of anxiety and depression and even report meaningful insights and spiritual connection.
Early in the present century the FDA granted permission to researchers at UCLA, NYU, and Johns Hopkins universities to conduct small, well-designed trials of psilocybin-assisted therapy. Consistent with previous findings, a large majority of patients with cancer and concomitant depression or anxiety demonstrated substantial improvements on standard scales.
"Consistent with previous findings, a large majority of patients with cancer and concomitant depression or anxiety demonstrated substantial improvements on standard scales." Source: Center to Advance Palliative Care
About Psychedelics
I sincerely believe in the educated, responsible and ethical use of psychedelics for individual and collective healing. I understand psychedelics as a fundamental part of a human’s biological search for meaning, spirituality, and a sense of interconnection to the living planet and cosmos, in addition to being an essential ecological regulation mechanism for the planet which we call home.
I prefer the term “Plant Medicines” for the sacred teaching, healing, and spiritual growth these sacred substances provide humankind. Also called “Psychedelic” meaning “mind expanding” or sometimes “Entheogen” meaning “God within,” these non-addictive and powerful psychoactive substances, when ingested, allow humans access to the inner work of expanded consciousness. Although used as sacred medicine for spiritual growth and healing by people in many cultures since ancient times, modern use and research findings have shown that when taken intentionally in a controlled set and setting involving careful assessment and ongoing integration, the experience can be profoundly beneficial for spiritual growth and mental health therapeutics. At the same time, I acknowledge that psychedelics are not for everyone. Physical and mental contraindications preclude ingesting psychedelic substances. However, I highly recommend holotropic breathwork facilitated by trained and experienced Grof guides as a viable non-psychedelic modality for accessing non-ordinary states of consciousness.